Tuesday, December 31, 2019

12 Writers Discuss the Writing Process

For almost a decade, the Writers on Writing column in The New York Times provided professional writers with an opportunity to talk about their craft. Two collections of these columns have been published: Writers on Writing: Collected Essays from The New York Times (Times Books, 2001)Writers on Writing, Volume II: More Collected Essays from The New York Times (Times Books, 2004). Although most of the contributors have been novelists, the insights they offer into the process of writing should be of interest to all writers. Here are excerpts from 12 of the authors who have contributed pieces to Writers on Writing. Geraldine BrooksWrite what you know. Every guide for the aspiring author advises this. Because I live in a long-settled rural place, I know certain things. I know the feel of a newborn lambs damp, tight-curled fleece and the sharp sound a well-bucket chain makes as it scrapes on stone. But more than these material things, I know the feelings that flourish in small communities. And I know other kinds of emotional truths that I believe apply across the centuries. (July 2001) Richard Ford  Beware of writers who tell you how hard they work. (Beware of anybody who tries to tell you that.) Writing is indeed often dark and lonely, but no one really has to do it. Yes, writing can be complicated, exhausting, isolating, abstracting, boring, dulling, briefly exhilarating; it can be made to be grueling and demoralizing. And occasionally it can produce rewards. But its never as hard as, say, piloting an L-1011 into OHare on a snowy night in January, or doing brain surgery when you have to stand up for 10 hours straight, and once you start you cant just stop. If youre a writer, you can stop anywhere, any time, and no one will care or ever know. Plus, the results might be better if you do. (November 1999) Allegra Goodman  Carpe diem. Know your literary tradition, savor it, steal from it, but when you sit down to write, forget about worshiping greatness and fetishizing masterpieces. If your inner critic continues to plague you with invidious comparisons, scream, Ancestor worship! and leave the building. (March 2001) Mary GordonIts a bad business, this writing. No marks on paper can ever measure up to the words music in the mind, to the purity of the image before its ambush by language. Most of us awake paraphrasing words from the Book of Common Prayer, horrified by what we have done, what we have left undone, convinced that there is no health in us. We accomplish what we do, creating a series of stratagems to explode the horror. Mine involve notebooks and pens. I write by hand. (July 1999) Kent HarufAfter finishing the first draft, I work for as long as it takes (for two or three weeks, most often) to rework that first draft on a computer. Usually that involves expansion: filling in and adding to, but trying not to lose the spontaneous, direct sound. I use that first draft as a touchstone to make sure everything else in that section has the same sound, the same tone and impression of spontaneity. (November 2000) Alice HoffmanI wrote to find beauty and purpose, to know that love is possible and lasting and real, to see day lilies and swimming pools, loyalty and devotion, even though my eyes were closed and all that surrounded me was a darkened room. I wrote because that was who I was at the core, and if I was too damaged to walk around the block, I was lucky all the same. Once I got to my desk, once I started writing, I still believed anything was possible. (August 2000) Elmore LeonardNever use an adverb to modify the verb said ... he admonished gravely. To use an adverb this way (or almost any way) is a mortal sin. The writer is now exposing himself in earnest, using a word that distracts and can interrupt the rhythm of the exchange. (July 2001) Walter Mosley  If you want to be a writer, you have to write every day. The consistency, the monotony, the certainty, all vagaries and passions are covered by this daily reoccurrence. You dont go to a well once but daily. You dont skip a childs breakfast or forget to wake up in the morning. Sleep comes to you each day, and so does the muse. (July 2000) William Saroyan  How do you write? You write, man, you write, thats how, and you do it the way the old English walnut tree puts forth leaf and fruit every year by the thousands. ... If you practice an art faithfully, it will make you wise, and most writers can use a little wising up. (1981) Paul West  Of course the writer cannot always burn with a hard gemlike flame or a white heat, but it should be possible to be a chubby hot-water bottle, rendering maximum attentiveness in the most enterprising sentences. (October 1999) Donald E. WestlakeIn the most basic way, writers are defined not by the stories they tell, or their politics, or their gender, or their race, but by the words they use. Writing begins with language, and it is in that initial choosing, as one sifts through the wayward lushness of our wonderful mongrel English, that choice of vocabulary and grammar and tone, the selection on the palette, that determines whos sitting at that desk. Language creates the writers attitude toward the particular story hes decided to tell. (January 2001) Elie WieselAcutely aware of the poverty of my means, language became an obstacle. At every page, I thought, Thats not it. So I began again with other verbs and other images. No, that wasnt it either. But what exactly was that it I was searching for? It must have been all that eludes us, hidden behind a veil so as not to be stolen, usurped and trivialized. Words seemed weak and pale. (June 2000)

Monday, December 23, 2019

Our Life Time By Harry Potter - 1359 Words

December 14, 2016 Imagine, the most famous childhood novel of our life time, and the biggest money maker in Hollywood, being challenged in a court case? A beloved children s hero was almost sent to book section for censored books. The Harry Potter Series almost did not make it to the children of Cedarville School District of Arkansas. In this court case, the school board of Cedarville, Arkansas voted to deny students access to the Harry Potter books. The grounds on why they wanted to ban the books were because the Harry Potter books were unfit for their students and could lead to rebellion. Many authors of other famous childhood series’ such as Judy Blume stood behind the Counts family (who sued the school district) and showed support with J.K. Rowling, as well the President for the American Booksellers Association for Free Expression, Chris Finan. In 2003, he stated that It is incredible that school officials have censored books that are exciting a whole generation of kid s about reading,(Grogran) Many believed that the Cedarville School District was at fault, however, the argument for the censorship for the Harry Potter Books was keen to members of the school board. The court’s decision rested on what was good for the students. If this case in the end favored the school board, it could have possibly influenced other school districts around the nation to censor the Harry Potter Series. It was not only a clear violation of the students’ rights but a withholdingShow MoreRelatedCompare And Contrast Odysseus And Harry Potter759 Words   |  4 PagesOnce upon a time, our world was born. Through evolution, the human race finally emerged on this planet. Powerful intelligent people will be the leader of the tribe. We called these people ‘heroes’. There are a lot of heroes that have been born in this world. Some are the actual people, some are the people in our imagination. Here are two heroes from our imagination who don†™t even exist in this world but always stay in our mind. Odysseus and Harry Potter are well-known heroes. They both have similarRead MoreEssay on Biblical Themes Within the Harry Potter Series688 Words   |  3 PagesBook five.) The book series entitled Harry Potter has Biblical themes hidden beneath all of the spells, charms, and enchantments. Harry Potter, in my own opinion, is very Christ like and I feel like the book series could be looked at like a modernized version of the bible. He resembles Jesus Christ in multiple ways. J.K Rowling has subtly featured religious symbolism in her books such as, Harry dying for the wizarding world much like Jesus died willingly for our sins. After they died, they were bothRead MoreHarry Potter874 Words   |  4 PagesJoanne Rowling was born in July 1965 in a small town near Bristol in the UK. She is a true copy of the whole â€Å"Rags to Riches story†. Her teen years were terrible. She quotes: I wasn’t particularly happy. I think it’s a dreadful time of life. She had a difficu lt home life; her mother was ill and she had a difficult relationship with her father (as of 2012 she is no longer on speaking terms with him). After studying hard in Paris and moving back to London, Joanne started working as a researcherRead MoreGenerations Of The Harry Potter Fandom : New And Old1654 Words   |  7 Pages Generations of the Harry Potter Fandom: New and Old What will J.K. Rowling come up with next? As a fan of the Harry Potter film and book series, I grew up with the many adventures of Harry Potter and his heroic friends. From his first experiences at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to the epic, heart pounding battle that not only ended with the (spoiler alert) defeat of Harry Potter’s nemesis Voldermort, but also the loss of many of his dear friends and family. Each and every fan out thereRead MoreList Of All Harry Potter Books1243 Words   |  5 PagesList of all Harry Potter Books to Buy Online Just about anyone who has lived on the planet earth for the past couple of decades has heard of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a seemingly ordinary boy who became a mighty conqueror of evil wizards, warlocks, witches, and goblins. Unknown to him, The Dark Lord, Voldemort, attempted to take Harry’s life when he was only a baby because he knew of Harry’s destiny. However, instead of killing Harry, he killed Harry’s parents instead. Harry was sent to liveRead MoreEssay on Harry Potter1424 Words   |  6 Pages Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone â€Å"A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair† (pg 46). The previous passage is a wonderful and tasteful description of the first introduction of Hagrid from J. K. Rowling’s novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This book gives intimate detail and overwhelming amounts of vividRead MoreA Brief Biography of J.K. Rowling1338 Words   |  5 PagesYou will probably fail a couple times but in the end it will be worth it and you will profit from the hard effort. Joanne (J.K.) Rowling is a truly inspirational person that has benefitted to the lives of people of all ages around the world through her children books. Life of J.K. Rowling On July 31,1965 Joanne Rowling was born in Yate, England (J.K. Rowling Biography). At age four her family moved to Winterbourne where she met two siblings with the last name Potter. This later contributed to theRead MoreHarry Potter and the Religious Right Essay1185 Words   |  5 Pagesseven books in the Harry Potter series are some of the most popular books of all time. Millions of children and adults around the world crave everything to do with Harry. From the midnight book release parties to new movie releases to the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park, fans, the world over, love Harry and cant seem to get enough of him. While scores of fans immerse themselves in the fantasy world of Harry Potter, there are some people that believe that Harry Potter is the work of theRead MoreThe Harry Potter Book Series Written By J.k. Rowling1468 Words   |  6 PagesThe Harry Potter book series written by J.K. Rowling took the world by storm when The Sorcerer’s Stone was re leased in 1997. Adults, teens, and children around the world read and enjoyed the following six books and movies by buying robes and wands, and waiting patiently in long lines at midnight for the release of the newest films. Harry’s story has been translated into 60 languages and has been so successful that J.K. Rowling was the first person to ever become a billionaire by being a writer. EvenRead MoreJ. K. Rowling: The Incredible Impact of Harry Potter Essay979 Words   |  4 PagesJ. K. Rowling is the author of the best-selling Harry Potter series. As Bruno Bettelheim says, â€Å"If we hope to live not just moment to moment, but in true consciousness of our existence, then our greatest need and most difficult achievement is to find meaning in our lives† (Bettelheim 2). †when children are young, it is literature that carries such information best† (Bettelheim 4). In literary circles, mention of Rowling or her work is likely to raise some tempers. Criti cs find her work â€Å"antithetical

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nursing Knowledge Free Essays

What makes Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) a great source of knowledge for nursing references? It produces and disseminates systematic reviews of health care interventions and promotes the search for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other studies. The column by JBI will cover a broad range of topics and will appear periodically in AJN. With reference to its official website, http://www. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Knowledge or any similar topic only for you Order Now joannabriggs.edu.au, The Joanna Briggs Collaboration is a coordinated effort by a group of self-governing collaborative centres, coordinated through the leadership of The Joanna Briggs Institute. The legitimate operations of The Joanna Briggs Collaboration include the promotion of evidence-based health care; education and training; conducting of systematic reviews; the development of Best Practice Information Sheets; the implementation of evidence-based practice; and the conduct of evaluation cycles and primary research arising out of systematic reviews. Various collaborating centre have teamed up to produce excellent and up to date sources that are relatively relevant in medical field. A good source of research should be current, concise, and give factual evidences. The website also contains electronic copies of all JBI collaboration publications that includes such as; Best Practice Information Sheets, systematic reviews, evaluation cycle reports and practice manuals. What’s most important about this research source is that the evidence library offers a variety of reports such as product and technical reports, executive summaries, review protocols, and a Cochrane library. For further research, it offers various database such as a systematic review database and database of abstract reviews of effects. Overall, this research source will definitely help someone to find pertinent facts and information on medical field. Sigma Theta Tau International As a knowledge and leadership organization, the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International responds to health and nursing profession trends and issues that are germane to its mission.( http://www.nursingsociety.org/resources/main.html) The site is a good start point for research, here you will find; ØÂ   Resources and Position Papers – Position statements and resource papers about trends and key issues that are developed by the society. ØÂ   Global Alliances – affiliations alliances of society with other eminent international organizations for stronger organization. ØÂ   Various Organizational Affiliates ØÂ   National Quality Measures Clearinghouse – NQMC, sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), it is a public storehouse for evidence-based quality measures and measure sets. The site offers more than a research source; it also acts a focal point for nursing communities where they can exchange information on various aspects of nursing. There is also a special link for student nurse resources and society resources. As they value their members they offer mentoring programs to enhance the leadership and potential skills of nurses. Its commitment does not only rely to library resources and research but also dedicated to its society, community and fellow members. They also have a foundation that serves the culmination of overall purpose of the organization. Certain communities are established to promote well being and participation in socio civic cultural activities of nurses. In general, this site offers a great mixture of facts, information, and interaction made by nurses to its fellow nurses. A well informative site that serves as a ground for various nurses all through out; thus, with the organization mission and vision that will has a parallel principle which will serve as continuous commitment to the society. References: http://www.joannabriggs.edu.au http://www.nursingsociety.org/resources/main.html How to cite Nursing Knowledge, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Corporate Prosecution Law

Question: Discuss about the case study for Business Corporate Prosecution Law. Answer: Introduction: In the research article, David Cohen: The PMs Plan for Sink Estates is Welcome-But Must Go Further the author David Cohen talks about the development of sink estates in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. For case, a sink estate refers as a British council housing estate that is demonstrated by high levels of economic as well as social deprivation (Cohen, 2016). Along with this, the author also describe that the development and reconstruction of Britains sink estates is a great idea for the development of the nation. On the other hand, David Cameron (the prime minister) played a significant role in order to develop the plan and model for the reconstruction of the sink estates in a proper way. Apart from this, the PM also played a critical role in order to address the chronic poverty and gang violence of the estates in a clear way. Moreover, the government also provided support to implement these plans and also provided funds in order to execute the agendas in an appropriate and effective manner (Cohen, 2015). The PM stated that our model was to support community projects that are initiated by residents, and the Government of the nation came good with an assurance of 400,000. Along with this, the PM Cameron affirmed that it is essential to take a major step for the reconstruction of the sink estates. The main reason behind it is that the decades of neglect has led to gangs antisocial behavior as well as entrenched poverty within the areas. But, David Cameron describes that what must be first step to implement these agendas. First, we should focus to tackle poverty. Or, we should promote right-to- buy affordable housing to rebuild sink states in an effective way (Caroline, 2015). It is a subject of concern because of from a tackling poverty perspective this would be a degraded disappointment, however from a housing stock perspective it has its allure. On the other hand, numerous housing estates sit cheek by cheek with avenues where properties offer for upwards of a million pounds. Moreover, by modifying skyscraper estates as low-ascent alluring housing, and after that making them accessible to purchase or lease, we can discharge enough value to assemble substitution housing in less salubrious regions- consequently satisfying the guarantee to give occupants a home and keep up or even build the housing stock (Boffey, 2016). As a result; it seems that the goal is not compatible in an easy way. In addition to this, the other problem was that affordable housing was an ambiguous term for the people. According to Cameron the rebuilt housing should be both affordable to rent as well as to buy. It is because of more than half of council estate residents are unemployed or else low-waged. As a result, it will be unfeasible for the people to afford to buy the rebuilt houses (Cohen, 2016). Hence, David Cameron suggested that upgrading facilities would be an outstanding way to start for the reconstruction of the sink estates in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. Michele Dix: Crossrail 2 Must Get the Green Light Now for Londons Economy In the research article, Michele Dix: Crossrail 2 Must Get the Green Light Now for Londons Economy, the author Michele Dix talks about the development of the economy of the nation. The Prime Minister David Cameron is making effort for the development of the nation. The government of the nation wants to see the nation fully economic developed nation in 2016. The government is also making efforts in order to develop the transport system of the nation in an effective and a significant manner (Dix, 2016). The government has been developed some important projects to develop the transportation system in a proper way. For case, Crossrail 2 is a central project of the nation. This project would also be beneficial to connect northern cities and to develop infrastructure of the nation in a more comprehensive manner. On the other hand, the author describes that the project Crossrail 2 requires a green light of the government as soon as possible. It is because of the previous project Crossrail 1 will have taken ten years to construct. The implementation of Crossrail 2 is essential in order to upgrade the Tube and national rail lines for the future of the nation. In addition to this, the major problem with this project Crossrail 2 is that it needs huge amount of money to invest. So, there is need of the quick action of the government of the nation. It is because of if the government will take more times to make decisions related to the investment then there are more chances of the failure of the project (CRERAR, 2016). As a result; the project Crossrail 2 needs green light for the economic development of London. In addition to this, the author states that Crossrail 2 is also urgent in light of the fact that it's not just about building a railroad. Apart from this, Crossrail 2 will drive new house-constructing, a problem that needs to be addressed for London. It is intentionally steered through ranges with open doors for housing growth. Altogether, Crossrail 2 would also beneficial for the development of 200,000 new homes and would also support 200,000 new employments within the nation (Leam, 2016). In this way, the project Crossrail 2 would be helpful to produce approximately 102 billion for the economy of nation. As a result, the project Crossrail 2 is obtaining strong support of the public of the nation. Along with this, the author describes that; Crossrail 2 will also be helpful for the economic, financial, and social development of the nation. The main reason behind it is that the project will improve the transport system of the nation. As a result; it will connect cities with each-other and also improve the trade within the nation. Consequently, it will be beneficial for the overall development of the nation (Mitchell, 2016). In this way, it can be said that, the government of the nation must provide green light to the project Crossrail 2 quickly. Fraud Chief Calls for Tougher Corporate Prosecution Laws In the research article, Fraud Chief Calls for Tougher Corporate Prosecution Laws, the author Martin Bentham talks about the corporate prosecution laws for the welfare of the businesses. The author describes that these laws are essential in order to protect business organizations and to punish businesses that are liable for the financial crime within the nation. On the other hand, the corporate prosecution laws would also be beneficial to prevent banks as well as other large corporations from any unlawful activity (Bentham, 2016). In this way, the corporate prosecution laws would be helpful to provide an environment of peace within the nation. In addition to this, the author states that, the corporate prosecution laws should be changed. The main reason behind it is that American prosecutors have more power than the people of the nation. Along with this, these laws are not followed by the business organizations in a proper manner. For case, on the off chance that somebody is acting criminally throughout their work and a portion of their thought process is to advantage the organization then anything they do makes the organization liable and that is very simple for the people (TheGuardian. 2016). On the other hand, the author describes that there is a lack of action on order to implement corporate prosecution laws to stop criminal activities in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. This is the major reason that business organizations and banks such as: Deutsche Bank, Barclays and RBS have been fined by regulators for market manipulation and they did not faced any corporate prosecution. Furthermore, the author states that this lack of action has been criticized by politicians, ex-director of public prosecutions, and others. In this way, in current, corporate prosecution laws have become a major subject of concern for the nation. In addition to this, the author describes that corporate prosecution laws are only beneficial in order to protect the reputation as well as money-generating capacity of the nation. Imagine, there were a practice in the finance or banking industry that was understood and boundless and criminal, then the partnerships themselves, on the off chance that they knew of that practice and permitted it to proceed with (CPS. 2016). In this situation, why they should not be subject for it and also the people who lead the criminality? The new wrongdoing would make the bank itself, or the partnership, subject criminally. Moreover, the author states that, in current, the corporate prosecution laws have become illogical and not able to provide justice to the people. These laws are only improving money-generating capacity of the nation. They are unable to demonstrate transparency in corporate structures (Garrett, 2014). As a result, it can be said that, the corporate prosecution laws must be change. These laws must be followed by the people. There must be strict rules and regulations in order to implement the corporate prosecution laws within the nation in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. References Bentham, M., 2016. Fraud chief calls for tougher corporate prosecution laws. Available At: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/fraud-chief-calls-for-tougher-corporate-prosecution-laws-a3150011.html Boffey, D. 2016. David Camerons 140m to tear down sink estates turns out to be a loan. Available At: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/feb/27/david-cameron-sink-estates-fund-turns-out-to-be-loan Caroline, D. 2015. David Cameron vows to blitz poverty by demolishing UK's worst sink estates. Available At: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jan/09/david-cameron-vows-to-blitz-poverty-by-demolishing-uks-worst-sink-estates Cohen, D., 2015. The Estate We're In: David Cameron praises Standard project to improve neglected areas and backs it with 400,000. Available At: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/the-estate-were-in-david-cameron-praises-standard-project-to-improve-neglected-areas-and-backs-it-a3093736.html Cohen, D., 2016. David Cohen: The PMs plan for sink estates is welcome-but must go further. Available At: https://www.standard.co.uk/comment/comment/david-cohen-the-pm-s-plan-for-sink-estates-is-welcome-but-must-go-further-a3154286.html CPS. 2016. Corporate Prosecutions. Available At: https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/a_to_c/corporate_prosecutions/ CRERAR, P., 2016. Crossrail 2 route gets the green light. Available At: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/crossrail-2-gets-the-green-light-a3200286.html Dix, M., 2016. Michele Dix: Crossrail 2 Must Get The Green Light Now For Londons Economy. Available At: https://www.standard.co.uk/comment/comment/mich-le-dix-crossrail-2-must-get-the-green-light-now-for-london-s-economy-a3150656.html Garrett, B.L. 2014. Too Big to Jail: How Prosecutors Compromise with Corporations. Harvard University Press. Leam, D., 2016. A green light for Crossrail 2. Available At: https://londonfirst.co.uk/a-green-light-for-crossrail-2/ Mitchell, J., 2016. Independent body gives green light to Crossrail 2 and urges ministers to make construction a 'priority' in south west London. Available At: https://www.richmondandtwickenhamtimes.co.uk/news/14336247.Independent_body_gives_green_light_to_Crossrail_2_and_urges_ministers_to_make_construction_a__priority_/?ref=mrlp=17 TheGuardian. 2016. Law to be toughened up to stop companies benefiting from fraud. Available At: https://www.theguardian.com/law/2013/sep/02/tougher-laws-stop-companies-benefiting-from-fraud